Supernatural hingan boy band

Y☆KAI is a boyband meshed of three supernatural individuals; Kodoku known as the Omukade & Jorogumo, Iro as the Kitsune & Oni, and Raiju as the Okami & Kitsune. Their performances range in genres from Kugane Pop to Hingan Rock, shining light on the existence of yokai living amongst those of the mundane world!

Meet the Band

Each member of Y☆KAI is their own performer. Read and learn about our jorogumo, kitsune, and okami!


From performances, to practices, to the three idols simply hanging out. Peek into their colorfully chaotic attitudes!


Here is some merch for our beloved fans to order! All items come with fast shipping via moogle mail as well!

Hello! We are Y☆KAI!

Contact Us!

We are more than happy to arrange outside of our performances for a private venue. Birthdays, other venues, groups, and more! Please contact any of us if you would like to arrange with our band!It will be easiest to reach us through discord, so feel free to add any of us for inquiries.Eiri - taebeast
Akai - aokori
Tetsuro - okamidad

Tetsuro Wulf "Raiju"

A wolf and kitsune spirit hailing from the realm of yokai. He is current deity of the Okami line. Tetsuro is known for his solo career as a doman rock and jazz icon. He's also hosted many different entertainment-type events while his forefront career is being a boss of the bounty hunting company, NightRaid.

Akai Ikigomi

As a mesh of a fox and oni, what could be worse? Known from being fluffy and strong to being fully red! Akai is a newest addition in the world of performing, mostly at singing in Karaoke and having joined the new band. He desires to build up a solo career too, with a focus on the band. Perhaps wanting to learn experience from the two others? A future business? Who knows.

Eiri Takara "Kodoku"

The combination of a jorogumo and an omukade, Eiri comes from the mountainous region of Yanxia. They started their career off in the pop idol group Haurchefant en Ciel, as well as building a solid solo career as a Kpop Idol. Aside from their musical prowess they run a number of venues, including a yokai cafe based out of Shirogane.


Here is some merch for our beloved fans to order! All items come with fast shipping via moogle mail as well!

autographed posters

plushies, stickers, patches

band shirts


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